Eco Vadis Rating

Since 2007, the independent rating agency EcoVadis has been evaluating the performance of companies in terms of sustainable development in the following areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable sourcing. They use international standards of sustainable development, such as Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000. The methodology covers over 200 expenditure categories and over 160 countries, focusing on a total of 21 sustainability criteria. EcoVadis helps companies with international supply chains measure and benchmark their performance, building trust and transparency with business partners.
Major standards include:
Environment: Assessment of the environmental impact of the company's operations, including energy management, emissions, water use and waste management.
Labor and human rights: Occupational safety, employment, diversity and human rights practices are assessed.
Ethics: Analysis of the anti-corruption policy, integrity in action and compliance with ethical standards and fair business practices.
Sustainable sourcing: Sourcing practices and activities are assessed, including supporting sustainable and responsible suppliers.
Global Scope: Companies are assessed for their activities on an international level, taking into account regional and cultural differences.
Comparability: The EcoVadis Rating certification is based on 21 sustainability criteria that enable companies to measure and compare their performance.